

CensorNet - Website for the Bachelor of Engineering Corps of External Examiners and the Civil Engineering Corps of External Examiners

The Bachelor of Engineering Corps includes Bachelor of Engineering Programmes (B Eng), and part-time diploma programmes in the field of IT and engineering.

The Civil Engineering Corps includes Bachelor's of Science in Engineering programmes (BSc), Master of Science in Engineering programmes (MSc) (Civil Engineering programmes), and part-time master's programmes in the academic field.

The two corps of external examiners for the engineering programmes

The engineering programmes are divided into two corps:

  • Bachelor of Engineering Corps of External Examiners (also includes part-time diploma programmes in the field of IT and engineering)
  • Civil Engineering Corps of External Examiners (also includes part-time master's programmes in the field)

The two corps of external examiners are regulated in different examination orders, and the two orders have different requirements for the external examiners' qualifications, cf. section 57 in the examination order for the university programmes and section 27 in the examination order for the BEng and diploma programmes. The main difference between the two orders is that an external examiner must have a research-based education at master's level in order to be an examiner in bachelor's, master's, and part-time master's programmes. If the external examiner has an education at master's level or higher, he/she can be an examiner in both corps. If the external examiner has an education at bachelor’s level, he/she can be an external examiner in the Bachelor of Engineering Corps.

The Examination Orders can be found in the right menu under 'Acts and orders'.

Appointment period

The current four-year appointment period runs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026. Both external examiners corps have had many new external examiners appointed, just as there are many re-appointments. The Civil Engineering Corps now has approximately 2,750 appointed external examiners divided into six academic areas. The Bachelor of Engineering Corps has about 1,500 appointed external examiners divided into six academic areas.

It is still possible for educational institutions to invite external examiner candidates for appointment. However, the educational institution must check beforehand on CensorNet whether there are already appointed external examiners in the database that can be used. If the institution does not consider this to be the case, a reason must be stated why the institution wants this particular candidate to be appointed as an external examiner in the corps. If the vice chairperson approves an external examiner candidate, the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science must then appoint the candidate. The secretariat sends a request for the appointment of external examiner candidates to the agency twice a year, once in spring and once in autumn. Therefore, requests must be sent to the Chairmen of the External Examiners via CensorNet before, respectively, March 1st and October 1st.

Educational institutions may experience having an external examiner candidate rejected because the vice chairperson finds that there are already qualified appointed external examiners in the database. You can always contact the vice chairperson for help and guidance in finding a suitable external examiner in the database.

Here you can find information about which vice chairperson you should contact in either the Bachelor of Engineering Corps or the Civil Engineering Corps

Under the 'Help' menu, you can find instructions on how to invite an external examiner candidate, just as external examiner candidates can find instructions on what to do if they receive an external examiner invitation.

IT support of the two corps of external examiners

For your information a working group has been set up with the participation of censor chairmen and university representatives who are investigating the possibilities in relation to the future IT support of the two corps, including so that the two corps can be completely separated systemically into two corps. The expectation is currently that a new IT system will replace CensorNet. This will be widely publicized once the educational institutions have made a decision after dialogue with the working group.


Annual reports

Annual report 2023-2024 from the Bachelor of Engineering Corps
Read it here (only in Danish)

Annual report 2023-2024 from the Civil Engineering Corps
Read it here (only in Danish)

Important information

General guidelines for qualifications and impartiality for external examiners. See the guidelines here.

Important information for external examiners who has a non EU/EFA citizenship and who have a temporary residence and work permit with the purpose of working in Denmark. They need a permit for sideline employment for each specifik censor task.

11 FEBRUARY 2025